Welcome to the change log

September 11th,2023
- Removed images that where not available
- Started work on a mad scientist portion of my website (for the funsies, nothing related to lore)
- Removed changelog for specific months and years because I thought it was too hard to manage
April 1st,2023
- Added Refsheet link about me page
- Transfered characters galleries to their character pages
- Added 2023 April changelog
- Made a character page for Dee Tect Iv
February 1st,2023
- Added a wishing well link to home and about me page
- Added stamps to the homepage and webcore page
- Added 2023 February changelog
January 31st,2023
- Removed SpaceHey link
January 10th,2023
- Added image to my about me page
- Added 2023 January changelog
November 27th,2022
- Made and added buttons to various pages on my homepage
November 21st,2022
- Added images to webcore, Home Page and about me page
October 5th,2022
- Added images to webcore, VOCALOID and about me page
August 25th,2022
- Added a stamp to the webcore and about me page
August 24th,2022
- Added a couple of stamps to the webcore page
August 22nd,2022
- Added pages to view changelog by year and month.
- Corrected a date error in the changelog
August 19th,2022
- Added images to the gallery and Kája's Gallery.
August 9th,2022
- Added images to the Homepage
- Added images to "Stamps and Blinkies"
- Added images to "About Me"
- Changed the background image to a gradiant for "About Me"
- Changed the Text color for the "About Me" Page
- Made the "About Me" page look better.
- Minor Change to Alison's About Page
August 5th,2022
- Added a link to Alexander's gallery page.
- Made Solara's gallery page and added images to it
- Added a link to a button on the Homepage
- Minor changes to Kája's page.
August 3rd,2022
- Added a gallery to Alexander and added images to it.
- Added an image to the gallery
- Added more images to my "About Me" page
August 1st,2022
- Added a new link to the "About Me" page
July 30th,2022
- Added a new image to the "About Me" page
- Added a cool cursor to "About Me"
July 9th,2022
- Added some text to Adison's About Page
July 5th,2022
- Joined the Internet Blink Exchange
- Added some text to my "About Me"
July 4th,2022
- Added buttons and stamps to the homepage
- Added buttons and stamps to the "Stamps and Blinkies" section
- Added a stamp to "About Me"
July 1st,2022
- Added link to my art fight in the "About Me" Page.
June 28th,2022
- Added Galleries for the new characters
- Added sections to the characters page
- Added two characters to the new section
- Made character Pages for the new characters
- Added a blinkie to the home page
June 10th,2022
- Changed Alexander's CSS
- Added some links to some stamps on the homepage
- Added a new stamp to the homepage
- Removed the "Under Construction" Image from the home page
- Changed changelog format from sentance to list
- Added some text to Alexander's Page
June 9th (Haha, nice), 2022
- Updated Adison's about page
- Changed Solara's and Alexander's about page to their actual names and updated the links accordingly
- Added "Back" and "Home" Buttons to pages that previously didn't have them or made them have the same look as other pages
- Added CSS to Alexander's page
June 7th, 2022
- Added a new image to the gallery and my self-sona's gallery
- Changed how my blinkie and stamp collection looks
- minor visual changes to the homepage
June 5th,2022
- Added names to previously unnamed characters
June 4th,2022
- Added a new character to the characters page, as well as their own page as well
- Added his image to the gallery
- Minor changes to Adison's page
- Added a page and details for another unamed character I have
June 3rd, 2022
- Added the change log
- Added some new blinkies and stamps to the "blinkie,stamps and other collection" and the "About Me" Section
- Modified some text on the About Me page
- Added some stamps to the "VOCALOID" page
- Added an additional step to get to the flashing lights page